Who Am I

My friends and family call me Yunyi [yn i:], which sounds like "you-n""yee"; and others call me Emily. I was told an English name at work would probably ease people, who would otherwise call me whatever they come up with like "Uni" or "Winnie"...

Yunyi Wang ( Emily)
Living in Chicago
But I prefer to be called Yunyi if you ask, since there is a beautiful meaning behind it. 云逸(Yunyi), as written in Chinese, are composed of two characters: “云”, simply means "clouds"; while “逸” can be interpreted as "freely; at ease; surpass; leisure" etc. My parents gave me this really poetic name that depicts a piece of cloud wandering freely in the sky.

I did live up to my name. Ever since a child I had all kinds of wild imaginations about the universe, such as what does it look like inside a black hole? Is it pitch black or extremely colorful that I couldn't even imagine? Like Emanuel Kant once said, 
Two things awe me most, the starry sky above me and the moral law within me. 
I couldn't fly to the moon, so I explored the universe by spending most of my time reading. As a child, my reading list covered a wind scope of subjects from natural science to ancient history to comic books. My greatest interests, however, lie in the power of the words and images. I believe that these two together can influence people in the strongest way. That is why I came to the U.S. and pursued a master's degree in Film Studies. 

At this moment, I am interested in learning more about the internet technology and media communication, the industries that I believe will shape the future of human society.

Above all, I live to explore the beauty of everyday life and share it with other people.